Join us for one of our upcoming Exploring Membership classes. You can find the date of the next class on our church calendar.

Over the course of the entire class time together, we’ll discuss the following:

  1. “OUR CONFESSION” (What We Believe): How is gospel doctrine—our beliefs about God, His Word, and the person and work of His Son, Jesus Christ—foundational to who we are and what we do as a church?
  2. “OUR COVENANT” (How We Live Together): How does gospel doctrine create a gospel culture in which we actively pursue the good of others for the glory of God?
  3. “OUR CONSTITUTION” (How We Are Organized): How do our structures—including church gatherings, ordinances, leadership, and training—support gospel doctrine becoming a culture?

Attending the class does not obligate you to become a member of our church. However, one cannot apply to be a member of our church until they’ve attended the class.  If, for some reason, you can’t make the entire the class, email in order to set up a time to cover any material you might miss.

After attending an Exploring Membership Class, you can find the next steps below:

  1. Read our church confession, covenant, and constitution.
  2. Apply for membership.
  3. Finally, one of our elders will conduct a Membership Interview with you where you will have the opportunity to share your testimony, demonstrate a clear understanding of the gospel, and ask any questions you might have.

Following these steps, our elders will recommend you to our congregation and at the following Members Meeting, our members will vote to welcome you in.