We gather together each Sunday afternoon at 3 PM to worship God by reading, singing, praying, preaching, and seeing the Word.

Reading the Word

God speaks to us from the Scriptures. And faith comes by hearing his Word. So we read from the Bible out loud several times throughout our gathering.

Praying the Word

We believe that God hears the prayers of his people. And he is pleased to work through our prayers. So we aim to pray from the Bible throughout our gathering, offering prayers of praise, lament, confession, and petition.

Singing the Word

The Bible commands Christians to sing to the Lord and to one another. To this end, Scripture contains many different kinds of hymns and songs, from praise to lament to proclamation, and so does our gathering. 

Preaching the Bible

We are committed to expositional preaching. This typically looks like preaching consecutively through entire books of the Bible. Our sermons typically span 45-55 minutes and aim to apply the gospel of Jesus Christ to all of life.

Seeing the Bible 

Through both baptism and the Lord’s Supper, the gospel is made visible. We administer the Supper weekly, to be received by our church’s members. 

If you’ve been baptized as a believer and you’re visiting from another gospel-preaching church with whom you regularly gather, you are welcome to join us as the Lord’s Table.